Friday, October 21, 2016

My First Month

Today marks the close of my first four weeks of training. I have been in my new position at ADP for about 6 weeks in total and i feel like right now is the perfect time to start posting my thoughts on my career, my ideas for the future, and just highlights from my wild time here at ADP.

I will say ahead of time, I am not an expert in any subject and I do not necessarily represent the ideas and image of ADP as a whole. I am just a humble Sales Person looking to maybe inspire the generation behind me, or at the very least get down on "paper" the crazy ideas I have floating around my head on any given work day.

I guess this post is a good time to tell a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in Allentown PA. As a child I was always quite gregarious and I was told at a young age "You should either go into politics or used car sales." I have sort of found a groove where I don't have to be quite a vicious as a politician or nearly as sleazy as a used car dealer. Not to say all politicians or car sellers or sleazy, but sometimes stereotypes make writing a little bit more fun.

I have been a salesman forever. I sold food and deserts at a handful of restaurants before getting my degree and graduating to the thrilling world of chemical sales. I have had a few setbacks, a couple changes in career and finally I landed here, my new home.

I am happy to be on a team of highly motivated young people who come in every day looking to make money and have a good time while doing so. I love where I am and I am so happy excited for my future with this fantastic group.

I want to keep this brief, I will probably be writing pretty frequently as the year goes on so I will try not to bore you right away.

The term of the day is: DEDICATE

Find something new to dedicate yourself to this Winter. When the sun gets short and you find yourself falling asleep on the couch at 7PM, find something to keep you going. Whether it be a new sales strategy book, some unfinished paperwork, or maybe a new hobby like Origami. DO NOT WASTE THE HOURS WE HAVE LEFT. Time is not a renewable resource and we should be making the best of every minute and every day.

And with that final cheesy line, I say farewell, have a great weekend.

Happy sales to you!

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